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Dotcom Marketing in India
"A ten-minute drive through the city is enough to get feel of the money that is being pumped into the market.Unfortunately in Delhi, billboards have been banned and hence, dotcoms have to satisfy themselves with kiosks." - Suhel Seth, chief executive officer, Equus Advertising. "Indians still think that Net is e-mail. Consumers need to know about other applications of the Net." - Neeraj Roy, CEO, Hungama.com, commenting on his unconventional promotional methods. Advertising BlitzIn late 1999, Delhi's autorikshaws started sporting dotcom bumper stickers. During the same time, Mumbai's skyline was changing with dotcom hoardings. Full-page ads of the dotcoms could be seen in almost every leading newspaper. From print, to electronic and outdoor media, the dotcom companies flooded the market with high budget ads, contests, and interactive campaigns. During 1999-2000, Indiainfo1 spent Rs 44 million2 every month on advertisements in print and electronic media. Satyam Online3 planned to spend around Rs 200 million by the end of 2000. In early 2000, Indya.com4 released a front-page ad campaign in The Sunday Times of India5, in Delhi. According to market sources, the advertisement cost more than Rs 30 million.
1] A site, which gives information on India, aimed at the NRIs. |
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